George Sax Serves as Co-Chair of PLAC Inc. 2019 Fall Conference in Chicago
The Firm is pleased to announce that George D. Sax served as Co-Chair for the Fall 2019 conference of PLAC Inc., formerly known as the Product Liability Advisory Council.
George is a Sustaining Member of PLAC, which is a not-for-profit association of more than 100 companies in the business of manufacturing, distributing or supplying consumer products or services. PLAC is made up of Corporate Member companies from the consumer electronics, consumer products, energy, industrial equipment, pharmaceutical & medical device and transportation industries. PLAC also includes a number of invitation-only Sustaining Members, who are outside lawyers with substantial experience in product liability litigation or regulation.
The Fall 2019 conference took place at the Fairmont Hotel Chicago on October 2-4, 2019, and consisted of more than nine hours of conference and educational offerings, including robust panel discussions of emerging issues in jury verdicts, litigation financing, MDL litigation, and the impact of recent United States Supreme Court decisions affecting product manufacturers, suppliers, and retailers. The conference also included breakout group discussions of how to strategically manage risk throughout the entire product cycle.
George will serve on a Programming Committee for the PLAC Spring 2020 conference, which will take place in Scottsdale, Arizona on March 25-27, 2020.
Mr. Sax introduces the programs and presenters at the PLAC conference.
Rob Hunter, Chair of the PLAC Board, presents an award for services to Michal Keating of Emerson Electric.
PLAC Fall 2019 Conference Co Chairs: Lisa J. McCraw of Deere & Co and George Sax.