Scharf Banks Marmor Celebrates Its 5th Anniversary!

On July 27, 2017 clients, friends and colleagues of the firm gathered to celebrate Scharf Bank Marmor’s fifth anniversary and recognize its achievement on becoming Chicago’s largest women-owned law firm.  Representatives from all aspects of the business and legal communities joined in the festivities including members of the judiciary, in-house counsel, law firms, bar associations and nonprofit, pro bono and media organizations.  Each of the Founding Partners shared their thoughts on having reached this important milestone.

“It’s amazing, it feels like five years went by in the blink of an eye,” stated Stephanie Scharf.  “Starting the firm came from our gut belief that we are able to create useful strategies and nimble approaches to solve client problems.  At the same time we also shed the negatives that plague traditional firms– the intense focus on profits per partner, the 2400 hour years, the tension of   internal competition.  We all like each other and like the way we work together.  Our clients have been tremendously supportive and we are grateful every day for their appreciation and confidence in us.”

Ted Banks added, “I’ve been very gratified that our firm’s philosophy – emphasizing the highest level of excellence in legal services combined with practical advice based on an understanding of our clients’ business needs – has resonated with our clients.  We’ve tried to create a great atmosphere in the firm, which gives the side benefit for me of having fun working with great colleagues.”

“I am proud of everyone in our firm,” shared Sarah Marmor. “Only after we opened the firm did I realize how few women-owned firms of significant size there are on the country.  After five years, we are thriving; providing top-notch, complex legal services for the same sorts of clients we served when we were Biglaw partners – and that is deeply gratifying.  I hope we are, and will be, something of an inspiration to other women considering forming their own firms.  The leap is a big one, but the rewards in terms of professional satisfaction are even bigger.”

Please click here to read the Chicago Daily Law Bulletin article on the celebration and here for photos of the event.