Stephanie Scharf Discusses New Initiatives to Advance Women in the ABA’s “Perspectives”


In her first “Perspectives” newsletter column Partner Stephanie Scharf, Chair of the ABA Commission on Women in the Profession,  describes some recent actions that the Commission has taken to blunt the impact of sexual harassment at work, along with research and publications that help women lawyers advance in their careers.   These include:

  • The Commission’s study on “bias interrupters”, which continues the Commission cutting-edge work with the publication You Can’t Change What You Can’t See: Interrupting Racial & Gender Bias in the Legal Profession. A joint effort with the Minority Corporate Counsel Association, this first-of-its-kind report contains two toolkits—one for law firms and one for in-house departments.
  • The Grit Project, which builds on the Commission’s new book Grit, the Secret to Advancement.
  • Publication of Zero Tolerance: Best Practices for Combating Sex-Based Harassment in the Legal Profession, which includes a Preface by Anita Hill, and chapters by leading practitioners in the area of employment and sexual harassment. 
  • A Men in the Mix program to partner with men to close the gender gaps that exist in work settings. The program will be rolled out at the June 2018 ABA Summit on Achieving Long-Term Careers for Women in the Law. 

Click Here for more information on the ABA Commission on Women in the Profession.