Ted Banks Provides Cybersecurity Guidance to Small Businesses

Partner Ted Banks authored the chapter, “Cybersecurity for the Little Guys,” in the Cybersecurity Handbook, recently published by the American Bar Association Cybersecurity Legal Task Force.  This is the updated and newest edition of this top selling cybersecurity book primarily aimed at attorneys, in-house counsel, nonprofit and government attorneys.  In this newest edition, Ted’s chapter is applicable to all business professionals.  The book covers the identification of potential cybersecurity risks and outlines steps to take in response to the event of an attack.  It addresses the current overarching threat as well as ethical issues and special considerations for organizations of all sizes. The Handbook also includes the most recent ABA Ethics Opinions and illustrates how to approach the subject of cybersecurity threats and issues with clients as well as when and how to purchase and use cyber insurance.

The book is available from the American Bar Association, https://shop.americanbar.org/eBus/Store/ProductDetails.aspx?productId=280127783.